Our Success Stories
Working collaboratively with our partners and clients we've delivered some fantastic events, launches and more. Here are just a few of our completed projects.

Conference Organiser
Heritage Trust Network
Globella worked with the Heritage Trust Network to organise and deliver their 2023 Annual Conference in Newcastle Gateshead.

Membership & Events Associate
Heritage Trust Network
Globella worked alongside the HTN to grow their membership base, delivering events and workshops across the UK exploring the regeneration of Town Centres.

Marketing & Promotion
Revamp Services LTD
Globella worked with the Revamp team to market & promote their innovative new app to the construction industry across the UK.

Event Organiser
West Midlands Heritage Careers Fair
Globella worked with the WMHBT to deliver a special careers fair with talks and exhibitions aimed at those new to the industry or looking at getting into it.

Event Organiser
Heritage Lincolnshire Fundraising Dinner 2023
Globella worked with the Heritage Lincolnshire to deliver this high-profile fundraising event for the charity, attracting supporters from across the County.

Marketing & Event Organisation
Grim Falfest
Globella worked in partnership with VESR CIC and Heritage Lincolnshire to deliver a high-profile three day long festival celebrating Grimsby's Viking heritage, attracting over 20,000 visitors.

Marketing & Event Organisation
Active Lincolnshire Sport England Together Fund
Globella worked in partnership with Active Lincolnshire as part of their health and wellbeing programme, promoting, marketing and organising events as part of the England Together Fund.

Celebration and Fundraising Dinner Organiser
DHBT Celebration and Fundraising Dinner
Globella worked together with the DHBT to deliver a high-profile dinner, celebrating the success of recent large projects and their generous funders.

2024 Conference Organiser
The South & East Lincolnshire Cultural Conference
Globella worked with the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership to organise and deliver the new South & East Lincolnshire Cultural Conference in May 2024

Exhibition Organiser
Build For the Future Exhibition
Globella worked with Heritage Lincolnshire and the Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce over a number of years to organise and deliver the annual Build for the Future Exhibition at the Lincolnshire Showground

Event Organiser
Heritage Lincolnshire Fundraising Dinner 2024
For the second year Globella organised and delivered the Annual Heritage Lincolnshire fundraising dinner. The event featured a silent and live auction which raised over £5,000 for the charity.

2024 Conference & Dinner Organiser
Heritage Trust Network
For the second year Globella organised and delivered the Heritage Trust Network Conference for 2024 in Dunfermline, Scotland. The annual event included tours, talks, a special dinner and various exhibitions from key supporters within the sector.

Event Management
NCT - Building Sustainable Futures for Scottish Churches
Globella worked closely with the National Churches Trust to organise and deliver an exhibition and networking event, with workshops, talks and exhibitors at Paisley Abbey